The TOTALIA 2201 is an electromechanical calculator produced by Lagomarsino of Milan in 1947. It is able to perform sums, subtractions and multiplications, and to print the results thanks to a rack system. It has a setting capacity of 10 columns for 11 of result. Entering the digits takes place via a reduced numeric keypad.

Insights - Fun facts

The TOTALIA 2201 model was produced in 1947, in the Milanese factory of Lagomarsino F.A.I. (Italian Adding Factory), Italian distributor for several European manufacturing companies.
In 1936 the Swedish company Addo started the production of Addo X, a reduced-keyboard electromechanical multiplier. This model was produced and marketed in Italy by Lagomarsino F.A.I. under the name of TOTALIA and was later developed independently of the original calculator.

Technical Data Sheet

Name of the asset: Totalia 2201
Category: electromechanical calculator
Manufacturer: Lagomarsino F.A.I.
Country of production: Italy
Year of production: 1947
Dimensions: 200x400x200 mm
Weight: 11kg


Mamiani Lab
– Rechnerlexikon