
The first networks successfully connected computers. But different types of networks could not connect to each other, limiting the size of online communities. So the next challenge was the creation of "network of networks", a process called internetworking or internetting. The French CYCLADES and the British NPL network experimented internetworking in 1973 with the European Informatics Network (EIN). Xerox PARC starts to connect Ethernets with other networks using the PUP protocol (PARC Universal Packet). Both of these efforts will influence the development of the ARPA TCP / IP internetworking protocol, initially developed in 1973 by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn. The ARPA has a practical need to connect its original ARPAnet with its most recent networks, such as the radio packet network (PRNET) and the satellite network (SATNET). In 1977 Cerf and Kahn will connect the three networks and demonstrate the effectiveness of their TCP / IP protocol by transmitting data from a moving vehicle, the SRI Packet Radio Research van. TCP/IP dell’ARPA, inizialmente sviluppato nel 1973 da Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn. L’ARPA ha una necessità pratica di collegare il suo ARPAnet originale con le sue reti più recenti, come la rete di pacchetti radio (PRNET) e la rete satellitare (SATNET). Nel 1977 Cerf e Kahn collegheranno le tre reti e dimostreranno l’efficacia del loro protocollo TCP / IP trasmettendo dati da un veicolo in movimento, il furgone SRI Packet Radio Research.